Realise your true potential. Be you. But better.
USN is a performance supplement range that is tailor-made for those who won’t settle for anything less than the best. Through their community of world-class athletes, their tried and tested product range and their expert guidance they’ve completely obliterated the idea of middle-of-the-road mediocrity.

Taking the best to the next level
Although USN has effectively dominated the sports nutrition and supplement market both locally and globally, the team recognised the need for enlarging its digital impact in a world that is increasingly buying, living and interacting online. Another challenge was the public perception that the brand and its related product lines applied largely to those interested in high-performance gains, competitive sports and endurance training. While USN has long since mastered providing to the consumer market interested in holistic health and wellbeing, the brand still seemed pigeonholed by this limiting perception.

A new data-centric direction
After being approached by USN, the KRAFT designsmiths® team immediately activated a mass market survey, instantly gaining valuable insights on the public perception of the brand, usage of the products and the general pain points and felt needs of the specified target market. Based on the interpretation of the data, and in close collaboration with the USN leadership team, KRAFT designsmiths® lead a highly-interactive workshop experience during which the current brand was unpacked and a potential way forward was plotted and mapped.

An e-commerce platform that exceeds the expectations of its customers
The previous USN online sales platform consisted of a basic digital solution enabling customers to pick, pay for and order products. However, the experience did not match the high-performing requirements set by the brand, and the need arose for a complete overhaul of the digital platform.
Focusing first and foremost on the user experience, the KRAFT designsmiths® digital development team designed a complete customer moment map that designated the journey of each and every USN digital customer as they interacted with the business.

Based on the collaboration between the KRAFT and USN in-house development teams, KRAFT presented a full set of functional requirements, development specifications and a detailed roadmap on how to build and complete a completely reimagined e-commerce solution ready for the digital age.

Building the future of sports nutrition supplements
Bringing the fresh USN brand and the from-the-ground-up developed e-commerce platform together instantly positioned USN as the definitive market leader not only in the present but at least for the foreseeable future.
Being able to inspire, influence and transact beyond the boundaries of time and space, without having to compromise on the quality of the innate USN experience, created unprecedented opportunities for growth in an already highly competitive market segment.

Is your brand communicating on behalf of your business?
Whatever industry you’re in, your brand is speaking on behalf of your business. Don’t allow your voice to be drowned out by the slew of competitors also vying for audience attention. Become an industry leader by designing an integrated brand and communicating through a clear and consistent message structure. Let us craft your next steps.
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